Sunday, September 23, 2012


The scenario looks gloomy for Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) as its de facto chief Anwar Ibrahim tries hard to keep it afloat and maintain its relevance in the unregistered and unprincipled alliance of Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

PKR’s existence in the opposition front is no longer seen as the ‘driving force’ that created the political tsunami of the 2008 anymore and thus, the party is now viewed as just existing but without the ‘power’.

What it is good at and being made used by DAP and PAS is its ability to expose ‘purported scandals and wrong doings’ of the ruling BN and leaders and of course, Anwar’s sweet mouth that promises the people the sun and the moon.

Other than that, talking about ability to attract voters and sustain voters’ loyalty is obviously out of question as Malaysians in general know the party’s support is eroding and dwindling fast, as fast the fading admiration of Anwar’s charisma as a leader.

No more the Islamic leader that majority Muslims in Malaysia hope to lead as Anwar reveals his ‘bad side’ everyday…just as the saying goes a fish will not get hooked if it knows when to open its mouth.

Anwar’s everyday speeches and promises have now become a daily joke to many Malaysians, more so to those who had supported him during the reformasi days in late 1990s, after he was expelled from the government and Umno.

The recent pledge he made together with other PR leaders in Kuching has now become a big joke among teh tarik groups around the city as they viewed the pledge as another one of those many dreams PR leaders normally announced but never make them reality.

Just another mind catching material that can never be real even to the standards of the ruling BN, impossible aspirations beyond grasp, the teh tarik groups lamented.

That means Anwar has lost his ummpps…and given the short period left for the coming general election, he has to act fast to regain the lost influence and ground...thus the ‘gangsterism acts’ such as paints thrown on tour bus and so on.

The word here is sympathy – try to gain sympathy when everything else fail – or the other way around is reverse psychology…paint a bad picture of the enemy.

But given the cheats and lies he has all the while made, Malaysians in general have percieved him as untrustworthy and this perception is getting more difficult for him to erase as more and more voters who supported him in 2008 lining up to reveal his charade either in the courts or in the press.

So Anwar now seeks fresh ideas and this are not coming as the general election draws nearer.

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