Thursday, January 12, 2012


The Progressive Organization of Gay in the Philippines (ProGay) welcomed yesterday the acquittal of Malaysian opporsitionist Anwar Ibrahim on sodomy charges.

Reacting to the judgement of the Kuala Lumpur High Court that Anwar was not guilty of sodomizing his aide Mohammad Saiful Bukhari Azlan, ProGay said it is now time to scrap sodomy laws that were part of British colonial legacy.

"We join the democratic people's movements in celebrating Anwar's triumph over the frame-up," said Oscar Atadero, ProGay's human rights officer.

ProGay also sees the legal victory as a positive step for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights in Malaysia.

ProGay noted that even as the Philippines has no sodomy law, politicians and court justices are attacked with allegations of homosexuality for political gain. (Marvyn N. Benaning) -


Memang betul-betul seantero dunia menyokong penuh ke'wibawa'an Anwar Al-Juburi. Hahahahaha. Ko memang kes memang satu dunia LGBT terutama Gay akan sokong ko la. Malu nama Malaysia ada pemimpin pembangkang yang kaki liwat. Satu dunia tau siapa ko. Tolong tukar ketua pembangkang sebelum dunia berminat dengan Malaysia kerana negara peliwat dan LGBT. HIDUP GAY!!!KAHKAHKAH


  1. oooooooooooo pukimak....ko ade bukti yg kukuh ke anwar ibrahim tu peliwat...jgn nk tulis dlm ni sesuka hati lh sialllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. aik,marah ker puak aljuburi ni.anon,saya cabar Anwar Bersumpah lakhnat junjung Al-Quran..boleh ker dia buat ??? takkan peliwat pun nak saksi ??? meliwat di dalam bilik pakai saksi ker ??? muahahaha..

  3. atas dasar suka sama suka pun leh tlepas lepas ni jgn tnya la nape ramai golongan tsebut kt malaysia ni sbb dh ada contoh... buat pun leh tlepas maaa.... jwbla nanti kat padang masyar yer... =)

  4. ala ada video x percaya..klu da taksub tu nmpak dpn mata korg pun masih x percaya yg anwar mcmtu.... ada video seks pun masih ckp tipu..tu la pmbngkang mmg bangang..

  5. memang kaki jubor .Salepas anwar dikenakan disodomi 1 sampai kehari ini ,perkataan jubor telah digunakan oleh masyarakat berleluasa.Anwar telah dapat menerapkan perkataan jubor saperti perkataan biasa saja.....kesan sampingan


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